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Every business starts with an idea, and in order to be implemented, every business idea needs funding. Farmers can rely on various sources of funding to cover their investment needs and to develop their farms. One such option is funding from commercial banks in the country. To be flexible enough, we partner with several banking and leasing institutions that will help turn your business idea into an implemented project.

Another option is the funding granted by the European funds and programs. Our membership in the EU provides a favorable opportunity for funding, which aims to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of Bulgarian agriculture. Our team will assist you at every stage of your application – research and connection with institutions, project preparation, delivery, construction and installation of the overall irrigation system, precise management of the irrigation process, service and maintenance of the supplied irrigation equipment.

The national funding from the country’s budget is of smaller size, but enjoys great interest and is a major source of funding in the wine-growing and wine-making sector thanks to the measure Restructuring and Conversion of Vineyards of the National Program for Support of the Wine Sector. Read more about the irrigation solutions we offer for vineyards HERE, as well as the benefits you will achieve by installing an effective irrigation system.

Contact us to discuss the various funding options for your farm!

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